Hanoi Medical University

長崎大学 病理診断科をアピールしてください!
This place will be one of the most international environment for pathology education, with not only English-speaking people but also lectures and reports are in English.

Q あだ名はなんでしたか? 呼ばれたいあだ名は?
My name means “Hana” in Japanese. Maybe Hana can be a cute nickname for me?

Q 住んでみたいところはどこですか?
I like Europe and also Australia, it’s a dream to be able to live and work in one of them in the future.

Q 趣味はなんですか?
Traveling! Like Dr. Fukuoka says that “Enjoy!”. I love to go and discover new lands in the world. Other hobbies are listening to music, watching films and eating delicious food (Japanese food is “totemo oishi desu!”)

Q 5年後、どんなことを達成していたいですか?
Becoming a good pathologist and also a good researcher. Be able to keep everything in balance between work, family and hobby, I think it’s necessary in the life.